Saturday, November 20, 2004

What a week I have had!!!

First of all I would like to thank my roommates for taking care of me through this tough time. I hurt my back really bad and can barely walk. Camille was up with all night on Friday taking care of me. Katie helped me out w/ gettin rags for my back and Abby drove me to the doctor! THANKS GUYS

Although I really don't know what's wrong w/ my back at this time, I know for sure that I am going to have to do some physical therapy. I have some tests to do on Monday and after that I will know exactly what's wrong w/ me. I am kinda scared cuz I have never really had any health problems before. Its just kinda scary.
My grandparents are coming Monday to take me to the hospital for my testing. I am so grateful that they are going to come and take me. I have no other way there and I can't drive. I am moving to Brazil on Tuesday and I am very HAPPY about that! I can't wait! I have spent the last 8 days in bed and I am ready for a scenery change! LOL.... well, I am off to go rest some more in my bed...Have a good weekend ya'll! Luv ya!