Sunday, September 09, 2007

I got a perm!

I have been wanting to get a perm for months. My hair is so thin & straight, that I was unsure of how it would take. I finally got up the nerve to go get one on Saturday. I cried!!! I hated it! It looked like poodle hair. I still am not too fond of it, but I can't wash my hair until tomorrow night so once I wash it, I think it will look better!

Here is a picture. You can't really see it too well, but once I can get it tamed, I'll post more!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!


Sarah said...

I can't believe that you actually did it. I am sure it will be fine once you are able to wash it and style it yourself!!

Haley said...

Yeah, Sarah...I couldn't believe it either! As she was putting the rods in I was thinking "OMG...what am I doing??"! Oh well, I just wanted to look like Steph! :)

Anonymous said...

I bet it's cute! Can't wait to see more Pics!